
Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Argument against Falungong crackdown

Myspace bulettin from a Bourgeoise Propaganda....
Date: Apr 5, 2006 9:06 PM

Did you know that China is killing people for meditating?
In 1992, a spiritual practice called Falun Gong was introduced in China. This spiritual practice is based on the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance (Zhen Shan Rhen). For seven years the Chinese government supported this spiritual practice because it proved good "health benefits" and "increased morality." By 1999 over a million people were practicing, including some government officials, (outnumbered the 70 million registered members of the comunist party). Jiang Zemin, the president of China felt that this threatened the political party, although those who practice Falun Gong never wanted to overthrow or take over the political system.

In 1999 the president decided to ban this spiritual practice and make it illegal to practice. The president spread false propaganda about the practice claiming that those who believe in this are suicidal, dont ever go to the doctors, are in a cult, and claimed that many have died as a result of practicing. However, if one reads the teachings of Falun Gong they well note that this is against the teachings. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has manipulated and twisted the teachings. This manipulation is what is used to justify killing, raping, torturing, and removing organs from those who practice. Does it make sense that the CCP is trying to stop people from practicing so they won't kill themselves by killing them? What kind of logic is that? I practice Falun Gong and have personally read the teachings and also have read what the CCP has spread and know that they are false.

When the persecution began in 1997, Falun Gong practitioners, were removed from there homes and sent to prisons. "610 officers" (Chinese Police) have permission to raid anybody's house they believe practice Falun Gong and throw away and burn their books and teachings. During this year there were labor camps developed were "practitioners" of Falun Gong were sent to be tortured and could only be released if they signed a document stating they would not practice anymore. They are forced to quit. However, many practitioners do not sign and as a result are starved, force-fed, beaten, raped, and persecuted. There have been over 2,000 confirmed deaths. I have personally met Chinese who have escaped China so that they can come here to practice truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance. The CCP will never be able to eliminate people who believe in these ethical principles.

More shocking news. Recently, a Nazi like concentration camp was revealed in China. A witness came forth and testified to Congress about his experience. This concentration camp is responsible for "organ harvesting," and contains about 6,000 Falun Gong practitioners. They are removing the organs from there bodies and selling abroad for profit. The witness was a medical doctor who removed organs from practitioners who were not even dead yet.
No Bodies Business: Where do these organs come?

You have to look from the context of Proletarian China...
Those Falungong people is threatening peace by demonstrating one individual is superior than another individual in socialist China....
Anyway, those Falungong people are already live in Heaven, aren't they?
So our party just remove them into isolated individual heaven, out of real living ugly,inferior,earthy proletariat in CHINA....
aBOUT DEATH? We never talk about dead in socialism...Why?
Because we see ourselves as living group, not individual;
what do you think a building MOUSELEUM of DEAD KAMERAD
Lenin and Mao?