
Friday, May 19, 2006

USA will start THE REVOLUTION...

Posted: Feb 8, 2006 1:19 PM

xxxx philth!Wrote:

What incentives for working hard do you have now?

That I will have a chance to make a shitload more money than other people if i do a kick ass job

also people become docters and engineers and stuff for the sole reason of making tons more money than say a factory worker

Oh boy, yeah. As an IT worker, I get to go into debt to pay for school, work 50-60 hours per week and then have to train my replacement.

In capitalism, it doesn't matter how hard you work or how kick ass you are. If management think they can replace you, they will.

The incentive/reward is not soley an illusion. Some lucky few get the reward - enough to convince the rest of us to keep slaving away. It's the carrot. The stick is that if we don't play the game, we go homeless.

The wealth we see around us today in the US is wealth that was wrestled away from the ruling class in struggle. Workers in industries that were paid starvation wages braved bullets and clubs to unionize and demand higher wages and better conditions.
Even the doctors and engineers benefited from this - they had to be paid higher than the flunkies they looked down upon (and a clue here: many of these professions don't actually make more than unionized workers and certainly don't have the benefits.)
And now.... now the ruling class is taking away those gains. Pensions are disappearing, more and more people don't have health care.

Fewer and fewer people are going to get the carrot and the stick is getting bigger.


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