
Friday, May 19, 2006

Why socialism failed in Russia n East Europe

MYspace Socialist FOrum
Posted: Feb 7, 2006 8:17 PM
Whats the deal? I really like the general idea of socialism, but what happened to these countries, because it seems like it would suck to live there, and theres more poor people there than in our country... It seems like it has never really been successfully implemented on a large scale...

And also my ecenomics proffessor keeps telling me it wont work because workers don't have the motivation to work the hardest they can... especially highly technical jobs like doctors and stuff...

I will try and be short because i'm pressed for time. It's not this black and white though. I'll do Russia.

There are a number of many reasons:

* The material means for socialism to flourish were not there. (Today in America, 3% from the top financial elite would be enough)

* Was still entirely agrarian and more-or-less feudal, they were operating in backwardness and isolation-- as opposed to developed capitalism which must be the precursor for socialism to work. The proletarian revolution can be the result only of the highest development of capitalism. It puts an end to capitalism. The revolutions in the eastern countries were the consequences of the beginning of capitalism in these countries.

* The country was ravished by civil war

* 14 capitalist countries were trying to overthrow the revolution

* The failure of the revolution to spread. It's failure to spread to Germany had a big impact. We all know what this led to (nazis taking power).

* The deaths of leaders like Liebnecht and Rosa Luxemburg.

* The advent of Stalin and his bureaucracy

Posted: Feb 7, 2006 8:21 PM

While Philth is 100% correct, i tend to try to shift the focus away from the popular appeal to popular knowledge - knowledge which is populated with bias and misunderstanding.

The USSR was not a 'failure' - its goal was socialism - in that sense alone it 'failed'. Compared to what any other country was doing or did in a similar situation, it was a triumphant success and was actually considered THE model to follow for billions of people and their 'representative' governments the world over.

But if you aim for the moon and miss, well baby, you're still one of the stars.


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