
Thursday, July 13, 2006

INDONESIA revolutionary critic


Melihat perkembangan gerakan gerakan sosialis dan progresif di Indonesia yang melempem akhir akhir ini sehabis dipilihnya salah seorang jendral Militer menjadi presiden Republikborjuis Indonesia maka kami perlu mengadakan otokritik terhadap kegagalan-kegagalan gerakan kita untuk menarik simpati massa penduduk. Kriktik kami bagi dalam 6 point.

1. Berbual tiada guna; bekerja lebih penting.

Sudah cukuplah sudah jual beli maki-makian yang terjadi selama ini di forum- forum diskusi kita; memnunjukkan borok musuh memang perlu tapi obral kata-kata bertuah macam revolusi belum selesai, hancurlah kapitalisme, perjuangkan keadilan rakyat, hapus militerisme, boykot pemilu, dll tidak membuat keadaan lebih baik.

2. Sumber Daya Manusia kita sangatlah lemah dan kurang pendidikan.

Marxisme percaya kepada sains dan kecerdasan. Bagaimana mungkin bisa sukses revolusi bila didukung oleh otak-otak kelas dua atau tiga? Otak kaum muda yang terbaik sangat kita perlukan demi perjuangan revolusioner; mana ada juara Olimpiade Fisika yang menjadi anggota kita?

3. Apa maksudnya gerakan tani dan buruh?

Mau menjadikan petani-petani "low skilled" dan buruh-buruh "low skilled" ditempat mereka masing-masing, ketrampilan produksi rendah dan dibayar mahal? Revolusi Tiongkok dimenangkan sebagian partisipasi kaum buruh tani ( bukan tani kulak pemilik tanah ) yang telah transformasi jadi prajurit tempur militan meninggalkan asal mereka sebagai tukang-tukang cangkul lembek penuh klenik dan tahyul sejenis santet, gendruwo atau nenek lampir.

4.Apa maksudnya GerakanAnti Militerisme?

Dalam analisa materialisme historis militer itu bagian dari suprastruktur atau bangunan atas dari struktur kapitalis, ekses dari gaya hidup borjuis . Selama diseluruh dunia kaum borjuis memerintah maka militer pasti ada dan eksis; kalau ngga di negeri kita ya pasti di negeri tetangga yang bisa dipastikan akan menghantam kita dengan militernya sebagai aksi solidaritas antar borjuis. Sejarah menunjukkan kepahitan kekalahan komune-komune anti militer selama ini; Komune Paris 1871, soviet Bavaria 1919, republik Spanyol 1936, komite rakyat Italia 1945, komite rakyat Yunani 1947, republik Mesir 1956, tragedi Chile 1974, terakhir Sandinista EL Salvador 1985. Tidak usah mimpi ada kemenangan damai lawan borjuis kapitalis. Menurut kami militer itu tak usah dilawan; sama seperti agama-agama publik, mereka akan punah dengan sendirinya seperti dinosaurus. "Change the climate and foodchain, it would kills the dinosaurs." Ubahlah iklim dan rantai makanan mereka, maka dinosaurus raksasa akan punah dengan sendirinya.

5. Tidak ada program yang jelas dan radikal dari gerakan-gerakan di Indonesia.

Gerakan Golput tidak akan mengubah apa-apa. Gerakan pro subsidi dan rasionalisasi BUMN itu ketinggalan jaman. Gerakan Koperasi Hatta saja sudah rusak bin amburadul. Apa maksudnya dengan gerakan pro subsidi? Berbagi uang rampokan dari perusahan-perusahan tambang asing untuk dikonsumsi rame-rame? Memberi orang-orang malas di Indonesia hasil keringat buruh produktif Tiongkok atau Vietnam? Maksudnya apa buruh kita mau hidup konsumsi leha-leha hasil keringat buruh-buruh miskin di RRT dan Vietnam?

Sebenarnya siapa sih yang teriak-teriak stop barang murah impor dari Tiongkok atau India atau Vietnam? Apakah sebagai buruh proletar kita lebih setia kepada saudara kita yang jadi camat di kampung atau petugas sortir Bea cukai si pelabuhan daripada sesama buruh proletar miskin di Kamboja atau Tiongkok?

Solidaritas buruh itu sedunia man! Kalo buruh sedunia tidak bersatu maka beginilah jadinya, jadi orang kalah melulu.

6. Tidak ada kesadaran kelas di negeri Indonesia ini.

Fakta menunjukkan bahwa 90 % populasi negeri ini termasuk dalam kategori borjuis semi feodal tani plus massa borjuis kecil pengiringnya.Usaha mewujudkan kesadaran proletar beserta propagandanya kurang dikedepankan dan dikoordinasi.

Ada begitu banyak media yang tersedia belakangan ini tetapi sepertinya kurang dimanfaatkan untuk propaganda.

Kalo satu stasiun televisi swasta bisa memobilisasi 10 juta orang dalam sehari untuk kirim SMS memilih penyanyi jejadian bikinan televisi itu masakan gerakan kita tidak bisa bikin gebrakan serupa? Penyanyi jejadian yang ngga jelas produksinya saja bisa memukau puluhan juta orang dalam waktu singkat; masakan kita yang mengaku buruh proletar militan pejuang produktif tidak bisa melakukan aksi serupa? Coba mana ada polling SMS memilih penulis terbaik pembela rakyat?

Di dunia komputer misalnya ada LINUX dan OSM yang gratis; tapi ada berapa organisasi Progresif yang memakai full-LINUX dalam komputer-komputer mereka? Gerakan sosialis takakan berhasil bila dipimpin orang yang keinginannya terpecah-pecah.

Perang Wacana atau Perang KULTUR adalah bagian penting dan berat dari perjuangan kita. KULTUR yang lembek dan tak disiplin adalah wahana paling nyaman dari para penjajah Kapitalis yang Cerdas dan Disiplin tinggi. Sepengamatan kami, negeri kita ini adalah tempat istirahat santai para Kapitalis yang tertawa menonton orang orang primitif yang berpatut patut meniru lagak gaya mereka demi sepenggal duit recehan hadiah Tuan tuan Kapitalis. Jadi apa yang kita kaum proletar Indonesia harapkan untuk menang? Duit receh Mister Bill Gates atau Larry Allison yang bertobat jadi Marxist??

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Real Intention of STALINIST CHINA

Quote from Richard Spencer,18th, April, 2006, The Telegraph Blog....

More in keeping with the latter is China Shakes the World, by the former Financial Times bureau chief here in Beijing, James Kynge. Kynge studied in China in the early 1980s and for his long experience is regarded as a doyen of China hands among the journalist community. His book has been long awaited. Its story is gripping: how the rise of China is affecting the world elsewhere in ways it often does not realise until it is too late.

What makes it such a good read is that it is not an economic text-book, but a series of images. It starts off with a steel plant in the Ruhr being stripped and taken apart bit by bit by a thousand Chinese workers whose ability to work all hours, every day, stuns the German locals. Next time we see Kynge, and the plant, the Chinese are rebuilding it complete on the shores of the Yangtse, where it goes on to capitalise on the rise of the steel price that Chinese economic growth has brought about and the Germans never saw coming when they closed the factory down. We all know Chinese manufacturing is challenging the west. Kynge explains how, and throws in, perhaps unintentionally, ripostes to some of the more complacent and political analyses that dominate European and American thinking at the moment.

It's a commonplace, for example, to complain that in the United States the rich are getting richer and the middle classes are getting poorer. Nothing to do with politics, suggests Kynge - while companies can make huge profits by outsourcing to China (which improves directors' and investors' shares), everyone earning between $25-75,000 is having their pay squeezed by the fact that Chinese workers earn a fraction of that for doing the same thing. That applies even if you are not in direct competition.

Countries and companies that think they are doing OK may just be failing to understand what is happening. He talks about the Italian textile town which expanded rapidly as Chinese illegal immigrants arrived in the 1980s - lots of new, cheap labour made things look good for a while, and the number of textile firms in the town rose from 4,000 to 6,000. Now, those same Chinese immigrants are buying the firms, and outsourcing the production back home. The 3,000 firms that are left are increasingly empty "front-of-house" for the manufacturing process elsewhere. Kynge even reveals a Savile Row tailor who takes his client's measurements just like the old days - then emails them to China. The suit arrives in the post. What neither book can tell us definitively is the dynamics of where this is heading.

Here are some statistics I have come across recently. They are well-known to the experts but probably not to most ordinary people, I would hazard.
The United States' share of world industrial output grew between 1990 and 2002 from 20 to 23 per cent
Britain's share, on the other hand, fell from 4.1 per cent to 3.2 per cent
France's share stayed constant, at 4.7 per cent
Germany's share fell substantially, from 10.2 per cent to 7.9 per cent
Yet Germany still has the world's biggest trade surplus - bigger, did you know, than China, Japan and India combined?

Put together, do these figures not challenge everything you thought you knew about Germany and France being economic basket-cases, Britain being a model of successful liberal reforms, the US being crippled by competition from China (as its congressmen would have it)? The answer is not clear.

France and Germany, according to Kynge when talking about his book the other day, are indeed complacent. Germany's peculiar figures - high trade surplus and dwindling share of manufacturing - are a reflection of what happened in Japan. The cheaper stages of manufacturing, which use more labour and are thus less productive, have already moved east, keeping the trade surplus up but reducing employment. In France, this is all still to come, but come it must. America may be like the Italian textile town - the rise before the fall.

What's not clear is whether Britain's figures mean we have less to fear - because our manufacturing decline has already happened - or more.

And likewise, back down the farm, what is the future for Anhui's farmers? All the stories Chen and Wu tell are, of necessity, from the 1990s. Now the government is promising to boost rural incomes, to make it easier for farmers' boat to stay afloat. Or will the money being doled out just empower the hoodlums who run local Party committees even more, and tread China's hundreds of millions of peasants even further underfoot?







Monday, July 03, 2006

Socialist group Myspace forum

posting by "God hates fakes",22, m, Minnesota, USA

because under socialism, there would be,

1. Free education from pre-school, to the highest levels of grad school. Meaning, anyone who wants any sort of job can have, any sort of job they like, so long as they're willing to put the time into it.

2. There would be zero unemployment. Meaning, all workplaces would be flooded with workers, and has already been mentioned previously, everyone could do shifts of the shit work (say a couple hours a month), until the shit work is completely phased out by robots.

3. People would be making a lot more money, and working a lot less. Thus, playing on the argument of "people are naturally greedy and want to get ahead", well now they can find other clever ways of getting ahead, THAT DON'T INVOLVE WORK. Which goes into number 4...

4. And since the work week would be dramatically reduced, and wages increased, people would start to realize "holy crap, I'm *not* just my job!! Who knew that I could paint, or write, or dance, or sing, or play the guitar/piano/accordian/kazoo/spoons so well??"

Which isn't to mention the fact that we'd have socialist scientists working in cooperation with each other, for the common good, as opposed to working in competition with each other, working for profit. Meaning, cures for diseases will be discovered a lot quicker, and will be a lot cheaper, and more accessible.

Those are as good incentives as any if you ask me.