
Thursday, March 30, 2006

Public versus Private??

myspace business millionaire forum....:)
Posted: Feb 1, 2006 5:33 PM

Sorry mitch - you havent seen the emails i've gotten from him, its more than what you can see here.

Clive summed up a good deal of what i wanted to say - my time is short here.

Not bashing other companies and coming on too strong is a big part of it.

Learn to say what you've been taught to say - without saying it in the same words...

IE "A company with a ground breaking product, not a ground breaking company"

You're still embellishing on your company's product.

The BEST way to get business is not to sell your business - but to give advice about it, and say thats what i do for a living. After they have interest, you can tell them more and shove it down their throat for all they can handle, but in a general forum like this, you're viewed as spam and annoyance and no one listens to you. Just like the successful people here probably get spammed by MLM companies daily like i do myself, or other opportunities.

Those who contact me as REAL PEOPLE and personally, get the time of day - those who copy and paste hype/sales letter get the spam button.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

diskusi sosialisme myspace

Die4oil posted.....
Less focus on that line capitalist mode of production. The fact is that most amerikkkans do not produce anything but simply are paid to move a finished product along untill it sells. Look up the labor statistics. Amerikkka is a service sector economy. So, while you may think that your 5.15/hr is a shitty wage, especially for working in a mall, keep in mind that the only reason that you can make 5.15 as a member of the labor aristocracy and the capitalists can still make a profit is because of the contradictions that are apparent in the production of all the shit you're selling/transporting/giving the finishing touches before it is sold. That is, the only reason that you can make a decent wage and someone can still turrn a profit is because the during the actual production of the good, depressed wages were paid. This is the Principal contradiction. So if you can find a way to prove that Amerikkka workers are a majority of producers AND surplus value is extracted from them, then they are proletarian. If not, then they are the labor aristocracy, workers bought off by the profits from imperialism.

Joe comment.........
That being said, I am aware of the more theoretical implications of the problem. But again, you are wrong - capitalists are not in the business of paying higher wages just for the fun of it. If we divide the history of the 20th century into three epochs, we see that in the first - pre WWI, when Lenin wrote Imperialism, and in the second, the post-war/Cold War, the "bribing of the workers" through the profits of imperialism was in full force - I would not disagree with it. But the third epoch, the one we are still in today, has seen the ability of the capitalist class to maintain this scheme weaken severely. The development of the productive forces - technological innovations - during the second epoch necessitated a mass expulsion of workers from the productive process, and reduced thousands of skilled jobs to unskilled labor. This necessarily resulted in a decline in the rate of profit, which in turn necessitated an prolonged offensive on the part of the ruling class to claw back, bit by bit, all which it had granted in the earlier epoch. This offensive continues today and has reached a fevered pitch.

The basic statistics available to anyone who isn't brainwashed by Maoism are available - real wages for American workers have been declining for 30 years, with only a temporary increase during the technology boom of the late 90s. After the recession of 2000-present, the downward trajectory of real wages resumed its pace. I am sure the same process has been taking place in all advanced countries.

Die4oil recomments.....
"No, I don't foresee picking fruit for 4 dollars an hour anytime soon. What the hell is your point? 40 million Americans have no healthcare."

So what, nearly all of this people that lack health care (by which the state has created (yet, not free) public access to health care in most areas in amerikkka.) have access to clean water. On the other hand, 1.1 billion people throughout the world lack clean water access( 9th paragraph). Give me a second, i'm going to do the math really quick. This will be fun! The results come to the fact that 13.5%( based on your numbers and the cia factbook world population index) lack health care (whether thats health care coverage or the inablity to afford basic health care on there own I am unclear of). This is the minority of people. Compare this to the 16% of the population of the WORLD (including those in the first) that lacks access to potable water. I'm can't speak for you, but I'de rather have clean water than health care (not to mention the fact the potable water is essential for health care in 'developing nations') although both should be world standards. With this information, world poverty and U.S. poverty in no way compare with eachother. In in reality (the one that more than 40 million face) poverty in amerikkka pales in comparison to that experienced by the majority of the world.

So how oppressed and impovershed is the average amerikkkan compared to the average human?

Saturday, March 25, 2006

dialog Gulag Archipelago

25 March 06
Alex is a second generation German-Jews( 750000 of them emigrated to SovietUnion ) and certainly hardcore Marxist, but fortunately(or unfortunately ) send to the home front and survive, unlike 95% of his peers that perished in WW2
This Gulag-Reeducation camp never kills people without cause like their Nazi counterparts; I am sorry to said that but they both possesed a German-frame-of-mind....remember that Karl Marx was writing German Idealogy......:)
Stalin was a hero of his people because he saved his country from German-Nazi.......
One more thing; Soviet army has taken German POW around 3000000 person; where are they?
Dead in Gulag camp?
Sure a couple of ex POW could manage to get home in the 50s, but all of them at the rank of General,colonel,leutenant or simply the elite bourgeois;
the rest of them, millions of foot-soldier,ex corporal,ex seargent never got back after years of hard labor....
Where r they? Never been noticed by bourgeois historian?
They simply mingled into Russian society, married so many Russian girls( boys mostly dead remember ) n change their name n language into Soviet Russian culture....
So do not blame Stalin to the Soviet people....he really build a proletariat Glory......

Mar 24, 2006 11:09 AM Flag spam/abuse. [ ? ]
Subject: RE: Hi.......
Body: Its hard to say. He would probably find it very hard to say himself. i have no doubt that he loved the ideal of communism but he certainly suffered at its hands in practice.

i think he was a Marxist and probably, deep down, still loved marxism, but certainly was no fan of Stalinism. he loved the idea that the real proletariat can rule and was willing to suffer for his beliefs, which shows a will that may be strong enough to foster his true passions and therefore keep his love alive.

In truth, I dont really know.

you are the first person to ask me about that on this mp space thingy.

Take care


----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Ricci
Date: Mar 24, 2006 12:54 AM

After you read Gulag archipelago.....
do you think that Alex Solzhenitsyn love real communism or not?